Monday, October 11, 2010

Easy choice at election time

Much as I would like to see the 'spend it like a drunken sailor' crowd out of power in the US Senate, I will not be voting for the Republican candidate for the senate. Nor will I be voting for his ridiculously bad Democratic opponent.
Sometimes 'single issue' politics get a bad rap. Sometimes, though, the single issue overwhelms everything else. In this case, we have a likely crooked, inexperienced, tainted, pro-death Democrat in Giannoulias, and fiscally conservative pro-death Republican in Kirk. There isn't 10 cents worth of difference in their stances on life issues, and that means I will write in Mike Ditka or leave it blank. The destruction of children, born or unborn, is the one issue we can't compare to others, because it is literally, dramatically, a matter of life and death.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Human Rights and Wrongs

To those (including our president) who are offended by Arizona's immigration bill: have you read it? Do you know what it really says, or have you let other people read (and distort) it for you? Our president, who cannot bring himself to call for freedom and fair treatment for Christian minorities anywhere, has created a false human rights issue and shamed his country by reporting it as a human rights deficiency.
There is no country in the world that allows unlimited immigration to undocumented aliens. None. Arizona's law embarrasses Mr. Obama because it holds the federal government to enforcing its own laws. This administration would rather wound our friends and coddle our enemies. That makes us complicit in very real human rights abuses throughout the world, and yes, to a very significant extent, the Muslim world.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Commemoration

Had we still been at war with Japan in 1950, would the president have spent the time rallying the troops, or would he have ignored the battle and deaths of American troops to preach tolerance (of what of course, no one is sure)? Can you imagine, from President Obama's remarks on the anniversary of that deadly sequence of attacks, that we are still at war, that we are still threatened daily, and that it takes the most vague and frankly inaccurate definition of Al Queda to say that is the only enemy.
We are not at war with Islam, per se. We are at war with a virulently anti-American form of Islam that cheers our every tragedy and threatens death at every perceived insult. It is more than Al Queda. There are groups that identify themselves with Islam all over the world that rejoiced at 9/11. Tolerance of those groups is suicide. Our president can't bring himself to say a mosque at Ground Zero is provocative. And he wonders why some Americans question his religious affiliation . . .
I don't think he is a Muslim. I think he is throroughly secularized very nominal Christian, whose creed is 'progressive' politics and whose patriotism, if any, is poorly expressed.

Mosque at Ground Zero

A little elaboration; St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was the only church destroyed on 9/11/01. It was in the shadow of one of the World Trade Center Towers and damaged beyond repair in the collapse. The Church and Trade Authority have been in negotiation to rebuild, and those talks have broken down.
So there may not be a Christian Church at Ground Zero. Has our President weighed in on this, as he has on the mosque? With, in addition, the same visibility with which he has encouraged tolerance and amity on the issue of the mosque?
No. Because hostility toward his own claimed faith is the flavor of the month, and tolerance for any other faith, so long as it is not Christianity, is a tenet of the new faith.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mosques and book burning

It is ridiculous to believe that burning a Koran is not a deliberately provocative act. It is equally disingenuous to pretend building a mosque near Ground Zero is not the same. In this country, among our many rights are the right to be rude. However, admit that it is such in both cases. Meanwhile, why can't the Greek Orthodox Church be rebuilt near Ground Zero?